INTRODUCTION: Since time immemorial physical appearance of an individual has been the point of fancy ever since. A good physical appearance has remained the cause of attraction of attention and the otherwise has been the reason for casting off and repugnance for many. People have always picked up objects of good physical appearance and preferred to neglect the objects with poor or bad physical appearance. This natural truth has had a universal applicability and has been found in people of all status, education, economy irrespective of the place of habitat and social/religious background. This universal truth has been more applicable to the human beings as to the extent of weaving legends of beautiful people such as Cleopatra and Julius Ceasar, Yousuf and Zulekha. A good physical appearance i.e. beauty has been cause of many good doings and bad doings in the world. Innumerable crimes have been committed for the reason of a good look or bad look. Conversely innumerable achievements have been made on the virtue of good looks or bad looks. Homeopathy with its teachings of understanding and application of physical appearance has gone to the extent of individualising a person on the basis of this physical appearance. The fact is that physical appearance of a person is one of the most important point for individualisation. This physical appearance peculiar to a person has been taken into consideration by thousands of stalwarts of homeopathy for teaching and for prescribing. Truly an individual is so perfectly reflected through his physical appearance that totality build up upon this reflection has resulted in several miraculous cures. Hahnemann's stress upon the physical appearance of a person as an element of totality is reflected in several of his writings and cases cured. (In F.N to aphorism 90 Hahnemann mentions precisely the physical aspects of the patient that need to be noted by the physician with regard to the expression on his face, his manner of speaking, the colour of his face, eyes and skin, the state of his tongue, and his outward gesture while sitting walking etc.) This teaching of Hahnemann and its application has been adopted by several of his followers to the extent that "drug picture" and " portrait of the disease person" has been narrated and described separately. To some it has formed the major part of description of a medicine while to others this has taken the form of a complete description of a medicine. This point is easily understandable when one goes through the pages of description of polycrest in Kent's lecture. M. L. Tyler preferred to write an entire book on 'Drug picture of a medicine so perceived by her'. Philips Beiley's 'Portrait of the homeopathic medicine' is the collection of such physical appearance of homeopathic medicines and he has done his work smartly. Edward Whitmont's 'Psyche and substance' is another example in such direction. These all go to show the close and very close relation of application of physical appearance in homeopathic prescribing. Physical appearance at some places has so marked bearing on the entire individual that one point in the entire body has been taken as the reflection of the totality as a whole. Douglas’ Tongue, Bell’s Diarrhoea, Allen’s Intermittent Fever are having several entries where one single symptom present on the tongue, in the character of stool, on the paroxysm of fever, has caused to make successful prescription with beautiful and astonishing results.

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