 Appropriate case taking format  Medicines prepared under centesimal scales.  Dose & Potency, as per requirement of the case  Diet & regimen as per strict homoeopathic principles. 9.8. OUTCOME ASSESSMENT: It is difficult to formulate definite assessment criteria but cases will be assessed in terms of their presenting symptoms, physical signs, clinical and available laboratory findings. Assessment will also depend upon following points:  Assess every patient on Clinical global impression scale  Assess patient as per QLI scale.  As per directions of Hahnemann as mentioned in aphorism 252-256, along with their footnotes of “Organon of Medicine” 5th & 6th edition.  Hering’s Law of cure  Kent’s twelve observations as mentioned in “Lectures in Homoeopathic Philosophy”, Lecture – XXXV: Prognosis after observing the action of the remedy  H. A. Robert’s “The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy”, Chapter- XIV: Remedy Reaction

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