 SUBJECT INFORMATION SHEET  Study title: “Role of physical appearance in homoeopathic prescribing.”  Investigator: Dr. Md. Taha Khan.  Study site: D. N. De Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital. 12, G.K. Road, Kolkata– 46.   You are invited to participate in the clinical study entitled “Role of physical appearance in homoeopathic prescribing.” The following information is provided for your perusal and understanding in order to help you to arrive at an informed decision whether you should participate in this clinical trial. Please feel free to ask any questions relating to this study or the information provided below. Please sign the form only if you are fully satisfied with the information given to you and understand the procedures involved in the study.  Drug Information:  Homoeopathic medicines are given to 36 no. of patients. These patients are prescribed in potencies following totality of symptoms as indicated in each individual case.  Study Purpose and Procedures:  1. Assessment of a clinical study on the role of physical appearance in homoeopathic prescribing.  2. Patients are selected on a single blind open level prospective study.  3. They will receive respective medicines, after proper fulfillment of inclusion and exclusion criteria.  4. Follow up will be done in regular interval with necessary investigations.  Possible Discomforts / Risks:  1. Medicine may not give relief, may aggravate the present condition and disease may progress further. The same will be taken care of immediately by providing proper dose of medicine and/or rescue medicine (clinical Homoeopathic treatment) where indicated.  Possible Benefits:  1. Establish the efficacy of homoeopathic medicines prescribed on the basis of physical appearance of the individual.

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