Young lady (Case no. 7204) came for hairfall treatment, also got her High Blood pressure cured.

This lady (Case no.7204) came to consult for her multiple warts and during the course of case taking her hair fall and anti hypertensive medication was noted. It was not in my knowledge that her hair fall could be because of the medicine she was taking. When she started improving, her BP got controlled and hairfall stopped. Then I thought her hair fall was perhaps because of the anti-hypertensive medicine she was taking. As you can see, her BP got controlled with homoeopathic medicine and she stopped Allopathic anti-hypertensive medicine altogether. The cure of hairfall was a bonus for her and a pleasure for me.

A case of Rectal polyp in a boy cured with Homoeopathy

This case (Case no. 626w) reflects the beautiful curing power of Homoeopathy. As is famous, homoeopathy is unparallel in treating chronic cases. It should be known that it is equally good in treating acute conditions (nonsurgical). This is a case from thousands of such cases in my record. Rectal polyp as well as Bronchial fistula is not easy to treat and they are a challenge, but here this has been cured so successfully.

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